This is a repeat of the message found on the home page of the WINGSPAN BIRD TOURS WEBSITE
“We are fully aware of the current virus situation and we are advised daily by the UK Government regarding travel in Europe. It is unlikely that any trips to Spain during April will run, Lesvos on May 2nd is also seriously doubtful. The rest of the May Tours are also threatened but we cannot comment until we hear officially that we cannot travel during May. As soon as we have news on your trip you will be contacted immediately and given your options."
Ecotourism is a sector which lives hand to mouth, and it is taking a massive blow this year. Regardless whether it is with us or for any other nature holiday you have planned, please consider “Postponing, not Cancelling”, our 2021 programme is on the website, if it is possible re-book (we appreciate that for some people it is not be option). We will be very happy to carry forward your deposits for a follow-up booking.
"please note that there are still places on some of the Wingspan Autumn trips, if you wish to transfer to one of those please get in touch by e-mail”
For those of you who have holidays booked for late spring and early summer, we can only hope that life might be returning to normal by then, but please do keep in touch for updates and to explore options with us.
"Dawn and I wish you all a safe passage through these trying times, keep safe and follow the UK guidelines"