Another dreadful morning of wind and rain, but it did clear up around 2pm so I went for another look for the local 'rarity' YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER.
The local green-space called 'Open-Space' is a parkland area that follows a stream that snakes its way through the Yeovil suburbs, it has hosted 2 Yellow-browed Warblers, a Siberian Chiffchaff and many Goldcrests for the last month ir so.
the local bully - European Robin
This park is just 10 minutes from home so when the sun came out so did I. Within minutes of arriving I located the warbler and over the next hour I had some great views of it, I very nearly got a good picture of it! I also added Common Chiffchaff, Long-tailed Tit and Goldfinch to my year list.
just a record shot of Yellow-browed Warbler - you can just about see its yellow brow!
At 4pm the sun disappeared and so did I.