
Several large passages of raptors were noted over village during the last few days...........


Paul, who lives on the western side of the village (the opposite side to qhere we live) noted the following raptor passage during the last few days:

 more » Wednesday 26 August 2015, Gaucin, sunny, light-fresh SE wind, 28C

 Scanning the skies every so often from 16:00hrs-18:00hrs produced the following - all very high and only visible with binoculars: 16:45hrs: 63 Honey Buzzard, 3 Black Kite 17:15hrs: 1 Common Buzzard (superb 'white' individual), 25 Honey Buzzard, 2 Black Kite 17:25hrs: 111 Honey Buzzard 17:40hrs: 37 Honey Buzzard, 15 Black Kite, 1 adult *Egyptian Vulture* Only a handful of Swift sp. around Calle Convento/Pino this evening. more »

Tuesday 25 August 2015, Gaucin, sunny, light S-SE wind, 27C

A bit of raptor movement over the village today: 11:30hrs: 17 Honey Buzzard, 1 Black Kite, 1 female* Montagu's Harrier* 14:45hrs: 2 Honey Buzzard 17:00hrs: 54 Honey Buzzard
TODAY - SATURDAY 29TH AUGUST 2015 - over cast, heavy cloud at noon with light rain S-SE light wind
From my top terrace I noted the following:
2:30 - 3:30   - 642  Honey Buzzards, 2 Booted Eagles, 5 Black Kites
3:45 - 4:15  -  119  Honey Buzzards, 1 Booted Eagle, 11 Black Kites, 9 Griffon Vultures
The heavy cloud and rain may have instigated this short flurry of activity, nevertheless it is starting to gwt ezciting now, watch this space for more big numbers of Honey Buzzards.