An afternoon walk in the fields of Stoford next to our home
WEATHER: fantastic warm sunshine all day, light breeze, temp. around 20C
Dawn and I went for an sfternoon walk into the meadows that surround our home in Stoford, it was great to be back on home territory once again although the bird life was spartan.
The local stream
Small Copper
The fields and trees are still in great summer shape and the green, green, grass of home was nice to see. We saw very few birds: in fact, there were more helicopters in the sky than birds!!
one of the 'follys' found in the grounds of nearby Barwick House
We saw Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Rook,Carrion Crow, Jackdaw and lots of Wood Pigeons. Our best sighting was of a Green Woodpecker which flew over us.
Speckled Wood
Many butterflies were drawn out by the wonderful warm conditions, Small Copper was very common, we also saw Small White, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and a few Commas.
Comma Butterfly - you can clearly see the white 'comma' which gives this butterfly its name
The Comma feeding on blackberry juice
Another Comma - this one is very tattered and worn