WEATHER: oh dear, oh dear. Cats and Dogs comes to mind, yes it was pouring with rain during the whole of my walk. Chilly too!
Needless to say, I didn't stay out too long nor did I see much. But one thing I did see was a pair of OTTERS!!! It seems that they like to stay out when the morning is dull and wet because those were the weather conditions on both occasions that I have seen them.
I looked up at the Nuthatch nest and saw nothing and as I approched the first Wren's nest I noticed the water rippling and and heard a splash or two downstream. I lknew what it was straight away, not one but two OTTERS were swimming towards me. I fumbled for my phone and tried to get the scope off my back before they got too close. But they were quick, they noticed me and shot off up the bank of the stream, I watched them run through the undergrowth and then drop down back into the water a few meters upstream.
I walked quickly across the meadow and got ahead of them, this time I was ready and managed to film them swimming towards me, click on this link:
After that excitement I walked down to the Kingfisher nest and saw nothing, the resident Wren was singing in the rain but nothing else moved. I made my way down to the river Yeo noting just Blackcap, Chaffinch, Robin, Pheasant and a fly over Grey Heron.
I think this Mushroom Bracket Fungus
A large flock of sheep has been been put into the meadows and this may mark the end of my walks there, I heard from other walkers that the farmer is going to stop us walking across his land this means I can only walk as far as the Nuthatch nest and no further.
over the last couple of weeks some of my readers have sent in their pictures: here are three from this week:
Common Pheasant pretending to be a Cockerel - by Nigel Bleaken
a 'posh' Duck sent in by Kevin Jones
a newly fledged Blackbird being fed by daddy - photo by Rita Parker