WEATHER; sunshine and showers, light wind
Not so many birds were out today, I never saw any Siskins or Goldfinch flocks in the Alder trees nor any large 'Tit-flocks'.
nice autumnal colours in the morning sunshine.
my noisy neighbours on Rook Mountain
It was very wet underfoot and my year old expensive Karrimor boots were leaking, I can't seem to find any boots that last more than a year!!
A few Buzzards were up circling over the valley being mobbed by Crows and Jackdaws, it is amazing how many corvids fly across the valley.
A Crow mobbing a Common Buzzard
At one point I counted 112 Rooks in the sky at one time!! The farmers are cropping the maize right now and that is attracting hundreds of corvids and Wood Pigeons, dozens of 'introduced' Pheasants are also present but not one Partridge can be seen.
Grey Wagtail, seen near the derelict farm buildings
I bumped into a small Long-tailed Tit flock which also held the usual Chiffchaff and Goldcrest, a Treecreeper called but I never saw it. I turned around when the sky turned black and heavy rained threatened to fall, the tall dead tree near where I turned held a Chaffinch, looking out for rain clouds?
A Chaffinch in the sunshine with dark clouds behind.
can you ID this species??
Walking back near the hillside of 'Rook Mountain' a few Meadow Pipits flew up and I saw a Grey Wagtail, Dunnock and Robin near the derelict farm buildings.
the mystery bird above was, of course, a Great Spotted Woodpecker
Back at home I watched the garden for a while and this mystery bird was bathing in my bird bath? Can you see what it is?
Any ideas?
a little clearer
it is a Robin.