Trip Reports

Coto Donana & Extremadura October 2011

This 9-day tour covered a wide variety of habitats and included two of the best Bird-watching regions of Spain, it is not surprising then that we recorded over 170 species with some rare and unusual birds on the list. We saw 26 species of waders, 20 different raptors and a plethora of ducks, geese, herons, egrets , storks and cranes.  
We had great views of an adult Spanish Imperial Eagle in the afternoon sunlight at Trebujena Marshes just after we had logged Marbled Duck! In Donana we found 4 Ruddy Shelduck, Yellow-crowned Bishop, Common Waxbill, Bluethroat and Black Stork within a 30 minute period and in Extremadura we found a White-rumped Swift, a perched Golden Eagle, both Great and Little Bustards, a Merlin and a flock of over 500 Candra Larks all in the same area. We eventually caught up with Pin-tailed Sandgrouse after hours of searching for them. 

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