Trip Reports

Extremadura & Gredos Mountains 2012 Tour 1

What a great start to our 7 day tour of Extremadura, the weather was superb, bright and 
sunny, with nice temperatures of around 25C. 
The group assembled at Madrid airport, Ken, Lilian came with me from Andalucia, I 
collected Peter from a Barajas Hotel whilst Bill, Rita, Ann and Barbara arrived at Barajas 
airport, we all met up fairly easily and were on the road by 11:30am. 
A comfortable and eventful ride found us at Jaraicejo by 1pm. We had stopped for coffee 
and toilets and during the trip we had logged: Both Eurasian and Azure-winged 
Magpies, as well as Black and Red Kites, Griffon and Black Vultures. At the 
Heathland, near Jaraicejo, we found Dartford Warbler and a very showy Spectacled 
Warbler. Other birds noted were Crested Lark, Corn Bunting, Blackcap and Linnet. 
Next we stopped at the "three bridges" found just below Jaraicejo, where we spent a nice 
hour or so listing many good species. A Common Nightingale showed well as did 
Woodchat Shrike, Red-rumped Swallow, Kingfisher, White Stork, Grey Heron and 
Grey Wagtail. We heard a Cetti's Warbler and a Common Cuckoo and watched a 
lovely Short-toed Eagle circling above us. All in all, it was a great scenic place to visit 
with plenty of birds to see. 

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