Trip Reports

Extremadura May 2006

We left Madrid airport and headed Southwest for Trujillo just after midday. Our first 
birds were Common Swifts hawking the terminal buildings quickly followed by 
Spotless Starling and Collared Dove. We stopped for refreshments along the 
motorway where we saw our first Booted Eagle soaring high above us, one or two 
Common Buzzards were also noted. As we neared Trujillo White Storks we 
becoming a common sight as they attended their huge stick-nests, along with Cattle 
Egrets and Black Kites. We pulled off the motorway at Almaraz and headed for the 
Laguna Oropesa near the power station. The was quite a strong wind on the causeway 
but we managed to notch up a few species, Purple and Grey Herons, Cattle Egrets 
and Little Bittern were all seen a number of times in flight whilst Purple Swamphen, 
Great Reed Warblers showed very briefly. We heard Cetti’s, Reed and Savi’s 
Warblers but the windy conditions kept them low down in the scrub. 
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