Trip Reports


For me it was great to return to the Isles of Scilly after a 16-year break, they haven’t changed, they still retain their unique charm, beauty and tranquillity. The birding isn’t as good as the heady days of the past, but there are still ‘goodies’ to be had.

Apart from the ‘uncommon ‘ migrants that we managed to see, such as: Tawny Pipit, Ortolan Bunting, Lapland Bunting, Pectoral & Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Rose-coloured Starling and Whooper Swan there were several that we missed. These included:  Yellow-browed Warbler, Firecrest, Common Rosefinch and Red-backed Shrike. Which shows that it is still an interesting and an exciting place to visit at this time of the year.

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