Trip Reports

Lesvos April 2010

I have led tours over the last 10 years to this fabulous birding location and this was one of the best groups I 
have ever led. We had such great fun, with some hilarious moments along the way and we recorded the 
highest count of species on the island for that week, 163 species, which was due the great efforts of all the 
group. A special mention must go to John Harris for his constant, humourous banter, his incredible ability 
to pick up distant bird calls and to the rest of us for putting up with him. The pinnacle of this tour must 
have been when we stopped in the Maladia Valley to watch two Rollers perched on the track-side fence just 
a few meters away from the bus. The two birds then flew into a lone fig tree and were joined by four Golden 
Orioles, a Lesser Grey Shrike, a Red-backed Shrike and a Corn Bunting! Where-else in Europe could you 
find such variety in so close proximity and in such good weather? 

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