
Welcome to the Wingspan Bird Tours Blog. All news, bird sightings and tour updates will be recorded here for your information as-well as details of our day trips, tours and accommodation. An archive of older blogs can still be found by clicking here:

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Today I met Penny, Jane, Pat and Mike for my first full day's birding since arriving back in Spain on the 2nd. It was a bright sunny day with a chilly breeze which subsided around the middle of day when it became quite warm.

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ITS GREAT TO BE BACK IN SUNNY SPAIN AFTER A 4 MONTH BREAK. Clear blue sky, 20C and fantastic light. We sat lazily on our top terrace this afternoon, reading, drinking tea and watching vultures circle over the village. The drive from the airport yesterday produced sightings of Short-toed Eagle, Griffon Vultures and a few Crag Martins.

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Some great sightings as we move further north, unfortunately the end of the trip is in sight! CRAB PLOVER still missing from the list but we did find Lesser Whistling Duck - only the fourth record for Oman of this rare species!

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