Coto Donana and Extremadura 


APRIL 9TH - 17TH 2025

What a fantastic combination, this exciting birdwatching tour joins together two of Spain's top birding areas.

This 8-night, 9-day Tour incorporates many of the best sites in these two prolific regions giving you the opportunity to enjoy a variety of wildlife not seen in many other regions of Europe. You will stay in Extremadura for the first stage and then transfer to Coto Donana for four nights before travelling across to Malaga aiport for your flight home.

In Extremadura we stay just north of Trujillo which is a central position from where you will discover the delights of this unique area. Extremadura has vast areas of open grassland steppe surrounded by a ring of mountains and provides perfect habitat for many endangered European species such as the Spanish Imperial Eagle, Great and Little Bustards, Black-bellied and Pin-tailed Sandgrouse. We may also encounter the Great Spotted Cuckoo, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Roller, Golden Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Bonelli's Eagle, Black Vulture, Black Stork and many larks, finches, pipits and buntings.

In complete contrast Coto Donana is one of Europes largest wetland areas and sits on the coast in Andalucia. A huge mosiac of open water, reedbeds and stone-pine forest provides excellent habitat for thousands of breeding herons, egrets, ibis and waders. You may see hundreds of Greater Flamingos, Eurasian Spoonbills, Grey, Purple, Squacco and Night Herons, along with Cattle, Little and Great White Egrets. With the added bonus of the chance of getting good views of Purple Swamphen, Red-knobbed Coot, Marbled Duck, Whiskered Tern, Gull-billed Tern, Collared Pratincole and the enigmatic Iberian Magpie.

Itinerary in brief

  • Day 1 - Arrive at Madrid Airport and transfer to Extremadura
  • Day 2 - Monroy Plain, Casares - Trujillo steppe, Santa Marta de Magasca, Rio Almonte
  • Day 3 - Full day at Monfrague National Park,
  • Day 4 - Visits to Arrocampo Naure Reserve.
  • Day 5 - transfer to Coto Donana with plenty of stops along the way
  • Day 6 - birding at the visitors centres of Achebuche, La Rocina, El Rocio and several other local site
  • Day 7 - all day visit to the 'Northern Marshes' to see the hidden Donana, Coredor de Verde, Dehesa Abajo, Jose Valverde Centre
  • Day 8 - Huelva, Marismas O'Diel, El Portil and Castillo Niebla
  • Day 9 - Transfer to Malaga  -  flights home

What's included:

  • Eight nights half board accommodation
  • All land transport
  • Services of the guide
  • All entrance fees/tolls/taxes
  • Checklist of species

What's not included:

  • Flights
  • Travel insurance
  • Lunches
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Telephone calls, all items of a personal nature


You have to arrange your own flights but we can help you with your selection. You should aim to arrive in Madrid at whatever time you like on day 1.  Book return flights from Malaga around mid-afternoon on the day of departure. Please contact us before booking anything!


or call us on 01935-426152, International +44 1935-426152

Check for Availability here

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