
Welcome to the Wingspan Bird Tours Blog. All news, bird sightings and tour updates will be recorded here for your information as-well as details of our day trips, tours and accommodation. An archive of older blogs can still be found by clicking here:

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TRANSFER FROM COTO DONANA TO EXTREMADURA WITH STOPS AT ALENGE DAM & RESERVOIR – MERIDA – ACOLLORIN RESERVOIR Transfer day was a relaxed affair, we enjoyed a bit of a lie-in and left El Rocio after our 8am breakfast with 153 species on the list.

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SEA-WATCH FROM MATALASCANAS CLIFFS – LAGUNA PRIMERA DE LOS PALOS – PARK NATIONAL MARISMA DEL O’DIEL – LAGUNA EL PORTIL – CASTILLO DE NIEBLA The weather forecast predicted light rain and that’s exactly what we got, but it rained on and off all day with a strong breeze too! This reduced our birding somewhat as well as diminishing our sightings list, however we soldiered on and did the best we could.

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LAGUNA DE MADRA DE MARISMA (EL ROCIO), LA ROCINA, PALICIO DE ACEBRON, EL ACEBUCHE VISITOR’S CENTRE. Our first full day turned up some excellent sightings with Savi’s Warbler, Wryneck and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker topping the bill.

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MALAGA AIRPORT TO EL ROCIO WITH STOPS AT GUADALMAR BEACH, LAGUNA FUENTE DE PIEDRA AND LAGUNA MADRA DE MARISMA We made a great start, in beautiful sunny weather, to this exciting duel destination tour of Spain, three exceptional sightings enhanced our day list: GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO, LITTLE GULL & RED-KNOBBED COOT.

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