We had a couple of hours this morning to enjoy one final birding excursion, we chose to visit the Kalloni Salt Pans as there was an opportunity to see a few more species that so far had eluded us..............
Read ArticleWelcome to the Wingspan Bird Tours Blog. All news, bird sightings and tour updates will be recorded here for your information as-well as details of our day trips, tours and accommodation. An archive of older blogs can still be found by clicking here:
We had a couple of hours this morning to enjoy one final birding excursion, we chose to visit the Kalloni Salt Pans as there was an opportunity to see a few more species that so far had eluded us..............
Read ArticleWe are relaxing now as we come to the end of the tour, all of the islands specialities have been seen but there are still one or two common species yet to be found...Eurasian Hoopoe is one of them!
Read ArticleMigrant species are still just trickling in, we saw some birds on the west coast today..........
Read ArticleThe strong winds of yesterday were gone today, we enjoyed a lovely day out in the south of the island..........
Read ArticleToday we managed to see some of the island's specialities despite it being a very windy day..............
Read ArticleWe caught up with a few of the island's specialities today as we drove to the north coast and some central locations in the mountains......
Read ArticleWhat a great day on this magical island, perfect weather and a wealth of birds.......we saw a first for Lesvos in the shape of a Demoiselle Crane and a supporting cast of 85 other species.............
Read ArticleA great start to this dream European destination, PENDULINE TIT, LITTLE BITTERN, LONG-LEGGED BUZZARD, TEMMINCK'S STINT and 50 other species seen in 3 hours this afternoon
Read ArticleBirding all day in plains and steppe of Extremadura in fantastic weather.......it doesn't get much better than this............
Read ArticleOur transfer from Donana to Extremadura went smoothly we made frequent stops arriving at FINCA SANTA MARTA late afternoon.
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