Our last day out in the field was spent visiting more wonderful habitats, the first of which rapidly became my favourite and produced a lot of species..............
Read ArticleWelcome to the Wingspan Bird Tours Blog. All news, bird sightings and tour updates will be recorded here for your information as-well as details of our day trips, tours and accommodation. An archive of older blogs can still be found by clicking here:
Our last day out in the field was spent visiting more wonderful habitats, the first of which rapidly became my favourite and produced a lot of species..............
Read ArticleA lovely bright morning with no wind, perfect for what we intended to do - that was a boat trip to an offshore island..................
Read ArticleWe spent all day discovering two of the island's hotspots having contrasting and diverse habitats these two area support a wealth of wildlife................
Read ArticleThis was the first day of a short-break to Menorca, an all-expenses-paid trip organised jointly by the Spanish and Menorcan Tourist Boards to promote Eco-Tourism to the Island. Who said that there was no such thing as a free lunch??
Read ArticleSome birding in a local park in Allentown
Read ArticleHAWK MOUNTAIN - a visit to watch migrating raptors pass over the western end of the Appalachian Mountains and a surprising number of Canada Geese too ........
Read ArticleTwo Transfer days with nothing much to report during the journeys except two contrasting days of weather..........................
Read ArticleOur last day in MAINE and the leaves still haven't fully changed colour, it is starting to look very good but unfortunately we will miss the best of it..............
Read ArticleA day out to a State Park followed by a Lobster 'cook-out' with Joanne our host...................
Read ArticleAnother beautiful day in Maine, leaf colour is beginning to change but not there yet...........
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